8 Reasons to Give Therapy a Try
People seek out therapy for wide variety of reasons. Some go to therapy to process relationship issues or to aid in healing from a breakup or divorce. Many people come to counseling to build their self-esteem and work towards living a more confident and happy life, while others turn to therapy when feeling overwhelmed with general life stressors or when experiencing grief from a significant loss. We all go through rough patches and struggles in life, and sometimes seeking the help of a licensed therapist can get you through the hard times. We mentioned some of the life events that would lead people to therapy, but when do you know it’s time? Here are a few reasons you might seek therapy... 1. You feel stuck. When you’re feeling stuck, it can seem like no matter what you try, it still feels hopeless. Sometimes “stuck” may be that you know what you need to do but are having a difficult time getting there on your own. 2. You feel disconnected from others around you. W...