8 Tools to Help You Keep Your Resolutions
2017 is coming to an end. With 2018 just on the horizon, many people decide to start off the new year with one or more resolutions to live a better, healthier lifestyle. While we set our resolutions with firm intentions to keep them, they often fizzle out before they have a chance to stick. Making a lifestyle change takes work. It takes some real dedication. And it’s really hard to do without some sort of a plan or method for accountability. There are so many great practices and tools out there that can help you implement and stay with your changes. Check out our 8 picks to help you keep your 2018 New Year’s resolutions. Best Self Journal Holding yourself accountable is much easier when you have a way to track your resolutions. The Best Self Journal can help you stay on track and recognize your progress. I just bought one after it came highly recommended by a friend, and I can’t wait to dive in. According to the Best Self Co website, the journal was “built around the success...